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What is Stress incontinence?

Stress urinary occurs when the important support for the urinary tract and bladder is not functioning properly. This condition can be caused by weakness in the ligaments and , or an impaired function of the urethral sphincter muscles. This affects the support that helps provide normal urinary function.
Stress urinary incontinence is the most common form of urinary incontinence among women.

Stress incontinence causes

The are a group of muscles at the bottom of the abdominal cavity. The muscles look like a cup-shaped hammock in the pelvic cavity. If the ‘plate’ in the pelvic floor is damaged, there is less muscular support for the urethra, so when you are exerting yourself, such as doing sport or simply coughing, there is a risk of a small leak.
The causes for stress include lifestyle choices, medical complications, pregnancy and obesity. Weight loss and exercise are often successful treatments.
Men can also be affected by stress urinary incontinence, but it is very rare and usually connected to post-surgery complications after the has been removed. Men are more often affected by other types of incontinence problems.
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